Posted on 2/25/2024
It's chilly outside. You flip on that switch that looks like a picture of a seat with little heat waves rising from it. You expect soon you'll feel that warmth but… wait! It's not getting warmer. Oh no, what's wrong with my seat heater? There could be lots of reasons it's not working, and it could be as simple as a fuse or as major as the heating element itself. But it's something to leave to a pro to diagnose and repair. Let's say it turns out to be a blown fuse. Simply replacing the fuse may not fix it because there was a reason the fuse blew in the first place. It's possible the on-off switch has worn out or corroded. Perhaps the wiring connection isn't completing the circuit (could be corroded or full of dirt) or the voltage reaching the heating element isn't correct. There's a little sensor that keeps track of the seat heater's temperature called the thermistor. When the seat is hot enough, it will stop the juice from heating ... read more
Posted on 2/18/2024

All Scottsbluff service advisors know that without the alternator, the battery will go dead in a few miles. The serpentine belt may also run the pumps for both the power steering and power brakes. And on many vehicles, the serpentine belt powers the water pump. The water pump circulates coolant through the engine to keep it within normal operating temperatures. (On some vehicles, the water pump is powered by the timing belt instead of the serpentine belt.) So you can see the serpentine belt does a lot of work. And it if breaks, it affects a lot of systems. That's why your vehicle manufacturer and your service advisor at Twin City Auto have recommended that it be changed every so often so that it doesn't fail.Your friendly and knowledgeable Twin City Auto service advisor can perform a visual inspection of the belt to see if it has any cracks that signal the belt could fail soon and will measure the amo ... read more
Posted on 2/11/2024
There's a belt that snakes through your engine. It's even named for a snake, the serpentine belt. It'll bite you when it breaks, possibly leaving you stranded. So, it's good to know a little about this snake-like belt. In early engines, there were lots of belts. They were used to convert the rotating power of the engine to turn a mechanical part. But engineers had an idea. Why not consolidate all those belts into one that ran a bunch of different parts simultaneously? Voila! The serpentine belt. It's found in the front or side of your engine unlike older belts which were often in a V shape, the serpentine belt has ribs on it which more effectively connect with the pulleys that power the other components. A serpentine belt may power the water pump, power steering pump, alternator, and the air conditioning: all from one crankshaft. Now, all that's fine when everything is working well and the belt is intact. But when a serpentine belt ... read more
Posted on 2/4/2024
You know how exposing your skin to sunlight can cause sunburn and other unhealthy things. Sunlight can also create major problems for your headlights. After they've been exposed to ultraviolet light, acrylic headlights can yellow and fog due to oxidation. And when that happens, less light can pass through the plastic, reducing the effectiveness—and safety—of your headlights. It's not just the UV light that causes headlights to turn cloudy. Road grime and debris gets kicked up and can scratch the plastic, diffusing the light that should pass through them when they're clear. Plus, when your vehicle was new from the factory, the headlights had watertight seals all around to prevent moisture from getting into them and fogging them up with water vapor. Just like clouds can hide the sun, tiny water molecules can diffuse the light from your headlight bulbs. Sure, you could buy replacement parts and start fresh. But the good new ... read more